12- year old entrepreneur’s workshops are supported in part by Saint Paul’s Community Organization Partnership Program (COPP) managed by the City Council. 



For media inquiries and to schedule an interview, contact:

Marsha Magdalene 612-385-2424 | contact@icecreambowties.com 

12- year old entrepreneur’s workshops are supported in part by Saint Paul’s Community Organization Partnership Program (COPP) managed by the City Council. 

December 11th, 2019. Saint Paul, Minnesota - Ice Cream Bow Ties has been awarded $5,000 from Saint Paul’s Community Organization Partnership (COPP). The grant, which is managed by the City Council, was advocated City Councilmember Kassim Busuri and supported by the East Side Neighborhood Development Co.

“I am a firm believer that when young people are introduced to the fundamentals of money management, business and entrepreneurship (at a very young age), they will become better citizens and role models. They will also understand the positive economic power that they have and how they contribute to their community,” said Marsha Magdalene, Co-Founder.

This partnership with East Side Neighborhood Development Co. will help Ice Cream Bow Ties in support of a public purpose for their Yungpreneur Workshops with Aniki Allen - four quarterly entrepreneurship and art workshops for youth will be scheduled on Saint Paul’s East Side for young people from Payne-Phalen, Dayton’s Bluffs and Great East Side neighborhoods. The first workshop will be on Saturday, January 25th, 2020 from 1-4pm at Caydence Coffee on the Eastside of St. Paul; for more details please visit: https://www.icecreambowties.com/shop/workshop

By achieving this, Ice Cream Bow Ties will be a stronger organization that continues to provide a platform for kids and youths to start their own businesses. Targeted at youths on the East Side, Yungpreneur Workshops with Aniki Allen are free of charge and open to boys and girls of all racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds. 

ABOUT ICE CREAM BOW TIES & ANIKI ALLEN: 7th grader, Aniki Allen is an entrepreneur, innovator and philanthropist encouraging youth empowerment and youth entrepreneurship. His love for cold treats and fashion- this young mogul founded Ice Cream Bow Ties, neck wear brand in 2016. Through creativity and play, he was able to create a unique bow tie made of Lego® pieces that all ages would love. His passion for encouraging youth entrepreneurship led him to establish Yungpreneur Workshop with Aniki Allen, which is an intimate workshop on how creativity can lead to business and entrepreneurship. He has successfully hosted three (4) workshops in the Metro Twin Cities- St. Paul/Minneapolis, MN area as well as the Greater Milwaukee, WI area. He is also the Founder of Yungpreneur Pop-Fair, a pop-up platform for kid and youth business owners to sell and showcase their businesses. For more information please visit: www.icecreambowties.com.

ABOUT ESNDC: Founded in 1979, East Side Neighborhood Development Company (ESNDC) works to help shape a neighborhood agenda that fosters engagement from residents, expresses community values, respects history, and addresses the plight of the people in our neighborhood. Through our program and numerous partnership ESNDC works to address housing, small business, entrepreneurship and social needs of individuals and families while creating other economic opportunities.

Ice Cream Bow Ties